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Former advocate general at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), Eleanor Sharpston QC, has given an account of her dismissal and her unsuccessful legal action challenging it. In a statement, she expressed sadness that the court had “failed to grasp the opportunity offered to it by

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Online retail giant Amazon has been slapped with a record €746 million fine by a data protection watchdog for alleged breaches of the GDPR. Luxembourg's data protection watchdog, the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données (CNPD), issued the fine in July.

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Thousands of Polish judges and prosecutors have signed an appeal urging authorities to follow recent rulings by an EU court to disband the country's disciplinary chamber for judges. At least 3,500 judges and prosecutors signed the appeal after Poland's authorities refused to abide by a ruling of the

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A post-mortem examination of a baby conducted against the wishes of his parents has been ruled a breach of Articles 8 and 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Leyla Polat, an Austrian national, became pregnant with her son Y.M. in 2006 and was told by doctors that her baby was l

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A former Belgian judge was denied an effective remedy to challenge a judicial body's decision in breach of her rights, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has ruled. The case concerned a former judge of the High Judicial Council (CSJ) who was suspended from her duties on the grounds that she

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The European Commission has launched infringement procedures against Hungary and Poland for alleged violations of the fundamental rights of LGBT+ people. The case concerns a controversial new Hungarian law which has been compared to the UK's Section 28 and Polish authorities' failure to respond to t

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Poland’s way of disciplining judges falls foul of EU law, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has said. The court said in a statement that “the disciplinary regime for judges in Poland is not compatible with EU law”.

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A new ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) would allow employers to ban the wearing of visible symbols of religious or political belief, such as headscarves. The court stipulated that such a ban would need to be justified by the employer's genuine need to present a n

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Poland's judges have defied a European court order to undo the country's judicial reforms, casting doubt on its future as a member of the EU. Stanisław Piotrowicz, a senior judge, said the interim measures of the Court of Justice of the European Union were “not in line” with the Polish

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Russia failed to justify the lack of any opportunity for same-sex couples to have their relationship formally acknowledged, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has found. The court unanimously held that there had been a violation of Article 8 – right to respect for privat

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Google has been fined €500 million in France after it failed to comply with an order to come to a fair deal with publishers over using their news content on its platform. The firm ignored a 2020 decision to negotiate in good faith over the display of snippets of articles on Google News, accordi

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