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Denmark has become the first country in the world to announce an official "vaccine passport" scheme allowing those vaccinated against Covid-19 to travel abroad. From the end of February, those holding the so-called "corona passport" will be able to travel abroad, relieving pressure on companies whos

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The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has found that the fact that the Minister for Justice in Iceland selected a judge for appointment, in favour of candidates shortlisted by an independent evaluation panel, without providing sufficient reasons, meant that the judicial app

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In the case of Bin Ali Jaber v Germany, the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig, Germany, has ruled that the diplomatic efforts of the German government with regard to US drone missions in accordance with international law are sufficient. In March 2019, the Higher Administrative Court of Mü

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Apple is in breach of European privacy law by tracking iPhone users without their consent, privacy activist Max Schrems has said. The campaigner, who previously waged a legal war against Facebook, forcing it to change the way it transfers data, has now filed complaints to Spanish and German authorit

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Thousands of elderly Spaniards are seeking to disinherit their children if they have neglected them during the lockdown. Spanish support networks for the elderly have reported a fivefold increase in calls from old people asking how to cut their children from their will.

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Retail giant Amazon has been charged by the European Commission over its use of sales data on independent retailers to "illegally" obtain an advantage in the European marketplace. In July last year, the Commission opened an in-depth investigation to assess Amazon's use of sensitive data. The data co

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A new legally binding instrument to protect lawyers should be drafted as soon as possible, the Council of Europe (CoE) has said in a new report. The principles and guarantees of advocates, published by the CoE's Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, reiterates the need for a 'European convent

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Leaders of Golden Dawn, the formerly insurgent far-right party of Greek politics, have been jailed after a court ruled the party is a criminal organisation linked to violent attacks including a 2013 murder. Party founder and leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos, along with six former Golden Dawn parliament

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A daughter is suing a historian who claims the woman's mother had a relationship with an SS guard. The woman is suing academic Anna Hájková, associate professor of modern continental European history at Warwick University in a court in Frankfurt for €25,000.

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The European Commission has launched infringement proceedings against the UK for breaching its obligations under the Brexit deal. A letter of formal notice has been sent to the UK for a response by the end of October, after which the Commission may issue a reasoned opinion.

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The European Commission has published its first EU-wide report on the rule of law, which includes input from every member state and covers both positive and negative developments across the EU. The report shows that many member states have high rule of law standards, but highlights important challen

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EU net neutrality rules introduced five years ago following sustained campaigning by digital rights groups have been interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for the first time. In a ruling handed down by the Grand Chamber yesterday, judges said Telenor, an internet service p

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