Black Lives Matter

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Fines issued to Black Lives Matter protesters in Belfast and Derry last summer should be refunded and any outstanding warrants cancelled, the PSNI has told the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS). Deputy chief constable Mark Hamilton said in a letter to health minister Robin Swann

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A new report which blasted the PSNI's approach to Black Lives Matter protests in Northern Ireland as "not lawful" raises questions about institutional racism in the force, a law firm has said. Belfast firm Phoenix Law, which is representing a number of people under investigation as a result of BLM p

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Alan Desmond, law lecturer at the University of Leicester, considers whether African-Americans could come to Ireland as refugees. Recent months have seen a growing international focus on use of excessive force against African-Americans by police in the US. The killing of George Floyd, in particular,

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The Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland has launched an investigation into the PSNI's enforcement of public health regulations at large public gatherings, including recent Black Lives Matter protests. The investigation will consider whether police have been consistent in their approach to issuing

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The PSNI has "questions to answer" after taking a light-touch approach to far-right protests in Belfast a week after fining dozens of Black Lives Matter protesters, a solicitor has said. Hundreds of people attended a Belfast rally to "protect our statues" on Saturday, one of a handful of events orga

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Police powers used to fine hundreds of people at Black Lives Matter protests in Northern Ireland over the weekend came into force just hours before the protests began, it has emerged. Amnesty International and the Belfast-based Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) have voiced concerns ov

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Lawyers and human rights activists have criticised the PSNI for fining protesters at Black Lives Matter rallies in Belfast and Derry. Five protests were scheduled to go ahead across Northern Ireland this weekend, but only the Belfast and Derry gatherings went ahead.

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