Case Reports

2041-2055 of 2108 Articles
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The High Court has refused an application from a man who sought an order of certiorarior declaration in relation to an order made following an appeal against his conviction for harassing his ex-wife. Sean Carraher claimed that the hearing had been fundamentally flawed on the grounds that Garda witne

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The High Court has dismissed an application for judicial review brought by a former heroin addict who argued he had a "secondary case procedural legitimate expectation" to have been consulted by the Department of Justice before they ceased funding for an addiction service. The applicant, Mr Charles

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of proceeding in 2004, and that he could not both be an executor of his mother’s Will, and bring a challenge against it. Further, under s.9(2)(b) of the Civil Liability Act 1961, the relevant limitation period for maintaining a cause of action which has survived against the estate of a deceased p

Clock icon 3 minutes

A young woman has had her sentence for a single count of assault contrary to s.3 of the Non Fatal Offences Against the Person Act reduced, with the Court of Appeal finding that insufficient attention was given to the young age of the woman at the time of the offence. The offence, to which the woman

2041-2055 of 2108 Articles
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