
826-840 of 939 Articles
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Graham Ogilvy visits Bologna’s famed law school in troubling times. The waiter who plonked a carafe of cheap Sangiovese down on our table at the little restaurant off Bologna’s Via Malcontenti spoke flawless English.

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Border by Kapka Kassabova This is a magical book and one of the very, very few to open up the wild and forgotten lands of ancient Thrace that straddle that corner of Europe where Turkey meets Bulgaria and Greece.

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Anyone who wants to understand modern Russia and the collective sense of humiliation felt by the Russian people should read this powerful collection of interviews, mainly with Sovoks, those Russians brought up in the Soviet era and who lived through the transition of the crumbling one-party state in

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Below, we publish a joint letter from seven Irish human rights organisations in the wake of US President Donald Trump's travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries. President Trump’s Executive Order adopting a targeted ban on refugees and migrants from certain countries should be str

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Paul Keane Paul Keane, managing partner at Reddy Charlton Solicitors in Dublin, explores friendship in the era of social media.

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Hans Litten To mark Holocaust Memorial Day, Connor Beaton tells the inspiring and moving story of Hans Litten, the German lawyer murdered by the Nazis after cross-examining Hitler.

826-840 of 939 Articles
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