Adventurer Bear Grylls is facing a fine of up to €2,500 after he caught, killed, gutted and boiled a frog for a television show. Grylls, 44, was accused by officials in Bulgaria, where the show was filmed, of violating local laws protecting flora and fauna.
And Finally
The cat of late fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld is set to "inherit" some of his $170 million fortune, according to reports. Lagerfeld, the creative director of French fashion house Chanel and Italian fashion house Fendi, died on Tuesday.
The teenager filmed in a confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. in January is suing a newspaper – for £250 million. Nicholas Sandmann, 16, is seeking the sum from the Washington Post based on its initial coverage of an event that saw a group of teenagers in a stand-off
A Northern Ireland man has been jailed for stealing a diamond ring – by swallowing it. Ian Campbell, 54, was sentenced to more than eight years' imprisonment for "qualified theft" by a court in Turkey, Demiroren News Agency reports.
A couple whose bonsai trees were stolen – including a prized specimen worth more than $127,000 – took to social media to give the thieves instructions on how to care for them. The miniature trees, one of which is 400 years old, were plucked from the home of a couple in Tokyo who are hope
A man found with three syringes in his rectum claimed they weren't his, police have said. A warrant was put out for Wesley Dasher Scott, 40, on a drug charge but when deputies in Clearwater, Florida took the man into custody last month he removed the needles from his rectum and handed them over, FOX
A local police force urged residents to get "a barking, biting dog" for protection after announcing it did not have enough money to enforce the law. In a Facebook post, Sheriff John Kirk of Martin County in the US state of Kentucky warned: "Law enforcement as we have known for the last four years wi
A businessman who gave £182,000 to a woman he met on dating app Tinder has won a court battle to get the money back. Marcel Kooter, 57, claimed he sent the money to Manuel Radeva, 37, for investment purposes - not as a gift.
A courthouse was evacuated after a lawyer showed up with an "abundance" of bed bugs falling out of his suit. The alarm was raised after someone in the courthouse said she could see "something crawling on his neck".
An elderly crime wave appears to be sweeping Japan because pensioners are seeking jail time in a bid to save money. Over-65s now make up one in five convictions in the Asian country, up from one in 20 just over two decades ago.
Police arrested three men in connection with a burglary after noticing their shoes were covered in fur similar to that on the burgled party's shedding cat. The resident arrived home to find signs of a break-in and three people running away.
A man has admitted that he tried to rob a bank because he wanted to be sent to a prison rumoured to have the best food. William Gallagher, 68, appeared in court in Wisconsin less than a year after leaving prison in New Jersey.
A court celebrated its achievements over the past year by publishing a video on social media portraying one of its judges as the famous video game character Mario. The three-minute video sees "Super Mario Mr Judge" smashing bricks representing various law enforcement milestones, including handling o
Pet dogs have been banned from public spaces in Tehran, the capital of Iran. Walking dogs in "public spaces, such as parks", and even driving them around in cars, will make pet owners liable for prosecution.
A judge has banned a man from shouting in his own flat. Solicitor Anika Jethwa told Dundee Sheriff Court that Gerrard Kelly, 41, shouts as a coping mechanism to deal with his “difficulties”.