Personal Injury

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Judges have submitted proposals for a 16.7 per cent increase in personal injury awards to justice minister Jim O'Callaghan. The first proposed update to the personal injuries guidelines since their introduction in 2021 will see the award of general damages for the most devastating and catastrophic o

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The High Court has dismissed a claim from a prisoner who was injured in an unprovoked attack in toilets at Mountjoy Prison. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Mr Justice Conor Dignam could not find that there had been a breach of duty on part of the prison authorities, but observed that their f

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Public liability claims declined by 40 per cent from the start of 2019 to the end of 2023, according to research published by the Injuries Resolution Board. The new research report, produced in collaboration with EY Economic Advisory, draws on data from over 30,000 claim applications for injuries su

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Judges are to consider a proposal to increase the value of personal injury awards by 16.7 per cent to reflect the impact of inflation. The Judicial Council's personal injuries guidelines committee has drafted the first proposed update to the personal injuries guidelines since they came into force in

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Motor liability injury claims are now covered by the mediation service offered by the Injuries Resolution Board (IRB). The new offering follows the roll-out in December 2023 of the IRB's mediation service for employer liability claims and its extension in May 2024 to cover public liability injury cl

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The High Court has dismissed proceedings brought by a woman who tripped and fell over an electricity cable at a caravan park in Co Kerry. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Mr Justice Paul Coffey opined: “I am satisfied that on any objective assessment, the danger complained of was a feat

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The High Court has refused to dismiss 2021 proceedings concerning the death of a man outside a Portlaoise nightclub in 2012 on the bases of the Statute of Limitations and delay. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Ms Justice Marguerite Bolger warned that although memories are normally assumed to

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