
16-30 of 146 Articles
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The Irish government is reportedly considering the establishment of a dedicated agency for migrant accommodation. A scoping exercise has already been completed and work is now taking place to examine "the feasibility of establishing such a migration accommodation agency", The Irish Times reports.

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The Irish government has said it will seek to opt-in to measures in the EU Asylum and Migration Pact. The decision will lead to the full repeal of the International Protection Act 2015 and the introduction of a new asylum regime with legally binding timeframes for decisions as well as a greater focu

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Controversial UK legislation providing for the permanent deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda may not now be enacted before Easter. MPs yesterday voted to undo 10 amendments to the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill which were made in the House of Lords earlier this month.

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A Palestinian citizen of Israel is to be granted asylum in the UK on the basis that he has a well-founded fear of persecution if returned to Israel. The decision in respect of the 24-year-old, dubbed 'Hasan' by his lawyers as his real identity cannot be disclosed for his own protection, came less th

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More than 1,000 people seeking asylum in the State are without accommodation, according to new government figures which the Irish Refugee Council has described as indicative of an emerging humanitarian crisis. The figures also show that very few people in that position are subsequently being accommo

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Algeria and Botswana will be designated as safe countries of origin for the purpose of asylum claims from tomorrow, justice minister Helen McEntee has announced. While people from safe countries are still entitled to apply for international protection and have their application considered thoroughly

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The Irish Refugee Council has published a new FAQ document aimed at tackling misinformation about the asylum process in Ireland. The 30-page document explains the international protection procedure and process, along with answers to frequently asked questions and queries related to issues like the r

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Women can claim asylum in EU countries on the basis they face gender-based violence in their country of origin, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled. The court this week handed down judgment in a case referred by a Bulgarian court concerning a Kurdish woman who said she feared

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The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has been granted leave to bring a judicial review against the government over its failure to provide accommodation to asylum seekers arriving in Ireland. The proceedings before the High Court have been brought by the Commission in its own name, invoking

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Ireland could decide to opt-into new EU asylum and migration rules early next year, justice minister Helen McEntee has said. Mrs McEntee yesterday welcomed news that political agreement had been reached between the European Parliament and Council on the remaining measures of the Asylum and Migration

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Ukrainian refugees arriving in Ireland from early next year will receive drastically less in social welfare payments and have reduced access to State accommodation, the government has announced. The changes, which will not affect those currently in State accommodation, will bring Ireland's treatment

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Immediate action is necessary to prevent street homelessness of asylum seekers arriving in Ireland, the government has been told. The Irish Refugee Council (IRC) has sent a paper to ministers following news early this week that the government would not be able to accommodation some new international

16-30 of 146 Articles
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