Employment minister Ged Nash Some Irish employers are using "if-and-when" contracts to skirt around employment legislation, a new report commissioned by the Government suggests.
Michael Johnston, managing partner at Carson McDowell Belfast-based commercial law firm Carson McDowell has been highly recommended in the Chambers UK Guide 2016, the firm has announced.
An unnamed woman who was awarded €180,000 by the Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal has seen her award increased to €250,000 by a judge. Mr Justice Bernard Barton, sitting in the High Court in Dublin, ruled in favour of the woman, saying that the "mental anguish" she had experienced was "abundant
Heather Humphreys, minister of state for arts, heritage and the Gaeltacht The sale of woodcock – a succulent game bird favoured by gourmets – was banned in Ireland this weekend as a conservation measure to curb a flourishing trade in the bird.
Glenn Jordan, director of the Law Centre Three critically acclaimed short films about slavery will be screened by Law Centre (NI) in collaboration with Foyle Film Festival and Unchosen later this month.
Booming sales of crisps, cigarettes, sweets and juice have raised the turnover of cut-price tuck shops in 13 Irish prisons to over 6 million euro. The Irish Prison Service has revealed that the tuck shops made a profit of €700,000 last year which was used to support prisoners through the Prisoner
David Menzies, ICAS Director of Insolvency Directors, shareholders and others connected with an insolvent company in the UK can now have their proposed pre-pack acquisition of the insolvent business reviewed by an independent pool of experts in a move to improve trust and transparency in UK business
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD A wide range of legal professionals have criticised Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald's decision to establish a second non-jury Special Criminal Court.
A former president of the Law Society of Northern Ireland has been recognised for promoting Northern Ireland’s legal profession to international businesspeople with an Ambassador of the Year award.
A new report on clinical legal education written by an NUI Galway School of Law lecturer has been launched. Clinical Legal Education in Ireland: Progress and Potential, which analyses advancements in clinical legal education, was launched by retired High Court judge and former part-time lecturer Dr
Dara Robinson As many as 44 per cent of case files which were submitted to Ireland's Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) last year did not result in prosecution, new figures show.
The Franco-British Lawyers Society will host a colloquium called Investigating Suspicious Deaths: Inquests and Inquiries in the Inn of Court in Northern Ireland on 27 November 2015. The conference will be opened by the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland and its speakers and chairs will include:
Pictured (l-r): Michael Jackson and outgoing partner Liam Quirke
Photo credit: Law Society Ireland (via Twitter) Sixty newly qualified solicitors were conferred with their Parchments and admitted to the Roll of Solicitors by the Law Society of Ireland at the Parchment Ceremony in Presidents' Hall last night.
A gay man has been awarded compensation in what is thought to the first discrimination case to be brought against a service provider for the homophobic actions of its staff. When “Tim” (not his real name) asked for a refund on some patio locks, the shop assistant began to abuse him. A judge at S