Karen Kearney, partner and medical negligence solicitor at Cantillons Solicitors in Cork Karen Kearney, partner and medical negligence solicitor at Cantillons Solicitors in Cork, writes on the need for a statutory duty of candour in Ireland.
Jim O'Callaghan Barrister Jim O'Callaghan, also Fianna Fáil's justice and equality spokesperson, writes on the High Court decision to allow ex-judge Barry White to return to practice as a barrister.
David Sullivan David Sullivan, director at Belfast firm Sullivans Law, writes an update on the regulation of drones in the UK.
Scottish lawyer Brian Inkster of Inksters Solicitors enjoys a fascinating account of the Highland Clearances but is angered at the parallels with the conduct of the Crofting Commission of today. In Set Adrift Upon the World: The Sutherland Clearances James Hunter masterly weaves together a fascinati
Professor Hector MacQueen of the University of Edinburgh writes for our sister publication, Scottish Legal News, about a new biography of the influential philosopher David Hume which he finds absorbing and worthy of the great man. Long ago I was introduced to the philosophy of David Hume (1711-76) b
Eilean Duane Eilean Duane of Cantillons Solicitors in Cork writes for Irish Legal News about the response to the Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2015.
The gavel, a device never used in the English courts, features on the cover of Confessions of a Barrister – and is a harbinger of things to come. The book is an anonymised account of the trials and travails of criminal barrister, “Russell Winnock”, who called in 1999. But, the title notwithsta
It may surprise some readers that the last Communard of this title is not Jimmy Somerville, the shrill voice of the 1980s, but Adrien Lejeune who as a young free-thinker reluctantly took the side of the Commune revolutionaries when the people of Paris rose up against the reactionary French governmen
Orla Keane Orla Keane of Arthur Cox writes about the demise of generous personal injury claims.
What Paintings Say is a wonderful study of 100 masterpieces, lavishly illustrated and packed with history presented in an accessible and readable way.
Tom Bower is a barrister turned investigative journalist, a species that is all but extinct in modern Britain. He has produced a string of debunking biographies of the rich and famous and has successfully defended libel actions from the likes of Richard Branson, Robert Maxwell and Richard Desmond. M
Title Problems Holding Up Your Transaction? Stewart Title Has The Solution.
Rosemary Lundy Rosemary Lundy, employment law partner at Arthur Cox's Belfast office, outlines how Brexit will affect employment law in Northern Ireland.
Paul Sullivan Paul Sullivan, director at Sullivans Law in Belfast, discusses recent developments in the law surrounding vicarious liability.
James Nolan, member of the the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), retired deputy director of interpretation, meetings & publishing at the United Nations, and retired head of linguistic services at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea writes on the status of