Equality Law

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Kane Tuohy managing partner Cómhnall Tuohy and trainee solicitor Jim Gibbons consider a recent case on retirement and discrimination. In Thomas Doolin v Eir Business Eircom Limited ADJ-00045261 the complainant, Mr Doolin, brought a complaint to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) un

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A blind man who made a complaint of disability discrimination against his bank has secured a settlement with legal assistance from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. The man experienced ongoing difficulties in using the online banking services of a high-street bank. His first difficulty

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A restaurant in Belfast has been ordered to pay £20,000 to an Irish Traveller family who were unlawfully discriminated against by being asked to leave. The Joyce family brought the Cuisine Buffet restaurant on York Street to court with support from the Equality Commission.

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A hotel has been ordered to pay €11,000 to a family who suffered unlawful anti-Traveller discrimination when they were refused access for confirmation celebrations. Margaret O'Sullivan, her sister and her partner, who were represented by FLAC, made discrimination complaints to the Workplace Rel

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Nearly 500 employment equality complaints were received by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) in the first half of 2023, with disability, gender and race making up the bulk of complaints. Figures published by the WRC show that it received 466 employment equality complaints and 222 equal status

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Northern Ireland legislators should "proceed with caution" to ensure that any new legislation tackling discrimination and inequality in the workplace builds on the success of the fair employment laws introduced three decades ago, the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland has said. The watchdog to

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Northern Ireland's equality legislation must be updated to provide as much legal protection from discrimination as people enjoy in other parts of the UK, a conference has heard. Hosted by the Equality Commission, today's conference is examining the history and future of Northern Ireland’s equa

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The use of artificial intelligence by public bodies is to be monitored by Britain’s equality regulator for the first time to ensure technologies are not discriminating against people. There is emerging evidence that bias built into algorithms can lead to less favourable treatment of people wit

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A major review of Ireland's equality legislation will begin within days, Equality Minister Roderic O'Gorman has announced. Mr O'Gorman announced the review of the Equal Status Acts 2000-2018 and the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 yesterday in his closing address to a seminar series.

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Geraldine McGahey, chief commission of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, notes the continued importance of the landmark Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Today marks International Day of Persons with Disabilities – a day dedicated to promote full and equal participation of people

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