A prominent victims rights campaigner has lodged the first legal challenge in Northern Ireland against the UK's decision to leave the European Union. Raymond McCord, whose son was killed by loyalist paramilitaries in 1997, has lodged an application for judicial review at the High Court in Belfast.
There was a sharp increase in Irish passport applications following the UK's vote to leave the European Union, according to new figrues from the Department of Foreign Affairs. In July - the first full month since the EU referendum - there were 7,321 applications for Irish passports from people livin
Global firm Pinsent Masons, which has a strong base in Northern Ireland, has refused to rule out a future expansion into Dublin as part of its response to the Brexit vote. The firm does not currently have a base in Ireland, but is said to be carrying out a review of its Irish operations after the UK
Colin Foote Colin Foote, director at Sullivans Law in Belfast, writes on the impact of Brexit on UK companies trading in the EU.
Pictured (l-r): Emma-Jane Flannery, Scott Alexander and Fiona Wills Arthur Cox provided leading Northern Ireland businesses with advice on the impact of Brexit on employment and immigration laws at a major seminar held in conjunction with Legal-Island.
Former Justice Minister David Ford Northern Ireland's former Justice Minister David Ford is among a group of politicians and human rights activists who have threatened a judicial review over Brexit.
Kasra Nouroozi, partner and head of dispute resolution at Mishcon de Reya The first legal challenge over Brexit, focussed on the question of whether the Prime Minister requires the approval of MPs to activate Article 50 and begin the process of leaving the European Union, will be heard by the High C
Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire will visit Belfast today for the first time since his Cabinet appointment.
Four top UK law firms are funding lawyers who wish to register in the Republic of Ireland over fears about Brexit, a Legal Week report has revealed. Clifford Chance, Herbert Smith Freehills, Simmons & Simmons and DLA Piper are registering lawyers from different practices across the UK as a preca
Aidan O’Neill QC More than 1,000 barristers and advocates have urged the prime minister to allow Parliament to determine whether the UK should leave the European Union or not following the referendum in favour of Brexit.
Rosemary Lundy Rosemary Lundy, employment law partner at Arthur Cox's Belfast office, outlines how Brexit will affect employment law in Northern Ireland.
James Nolan, member of the the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), retired deputy director of interpretation, meetings & publishing at the United Nations, and retired head of linguistic services at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea writes on the status of
Christopher Bright The UK's Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) may require significant reform and investment after the UK leaves the European Union, according to top London lawyers.
Michael Jackson, managing partner at Matheson The UK's decision to leave the European Union will have major ramifications for Irish and UK businesses, according to some of Ireland's biggest law firms.
Guy Lougher, partner and head of the Brexit Advisory Team convened at Pinsent Masons Businesses across the UK and Europe face a "race against time" to prepare for Brexit, according to advisers at Pinsent Masons.