Bob Neill A senior barrister MP and head of Westminster’s Justice Committee has written that lawyers in England should prepare for a fused profession.
Professor Philippe Sands QC Professor Philippe Sands QC has won the Baillie Gifford prize for his book East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.
A woman who was crashed into as she drove home from her job as a carer has been awarded €493,786 in the High Court. Mr Justice Kevin Cross was satisfied that the woman was a genuine witness, and a hard worker who would have been able to continue working full time had it not been for the injuries s
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has reaffirmed the Government's commitment to the creation of a judicial council as "an important part of the architecture" of the judiciary.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny Taoiseach Enda Kenny has rejected calls in the Dáil for a commission of inquiry into media ownership in Ireland to be set up.
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald Legislation to support domestic violence survivors in the courts is at an advanced stage, Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has said.
David Ford Northern Ireland's former Justice Minister David Ford has called for clarity on access to UK government funding for tackling paramilitarism.
The growth of house prices in Northern Ireland slowed in the third quarter of the year, according to new figures from the Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency. NISRA's latest NI Residential Property Price Index shows prices in Q3 2016 were up 5.4 per cent compared to the same quarter in
Policing Minister Brandon Lewis The UK government has said it plans to opt in to the new Europol framework in spite of the UK's decision to leave the European Union.
Katie McAllister A boy who was traumatised by a racist attack can remain at a grammar school which wanted to remove him, the High Court in Belfast has ruled.
A man whose conviction for manslaughter was overturned 38 years later has thanked his legal team for securing a formal apology. The State formally apologised to Martin Conmey, 65, before the High Court yesterday, certifying his conviction as a miscarriage of justice.
Lady Hale EU legislation may have to be replaced wholesale before Brexit, according Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court, Lady Hale.
in the competition was that candidates should be under 35 years of age. In the view of M. Salaberria Sorondo, who was more than 35 years old when he participated in the competition, there were no reasonable grounds for the age limit imposed by the notice restricting access to the public service. Mr
A Tunisian man has had his article 8 appeal against a deportation order unanimously dismissed by judges in the Supreme Court because the material available to the Home Secretary could admit of no conclusion other than it was unlikely in the extreme that he would develop a relationship with his child
A man convicted of raping his mother has had his appeal dismissed by judges in the Supreme Court, who ruled that the trial judge’s directions to the jury in the rape trial had broadened the defence available to the accused rapist beyond what the law proscribed. Delivering the judgment of the seven