
19036-19050 of 22072 Articles
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Julia Salasky, co-founder of CrowdJustice A legal bid to restore the immigration status of two Yemeni brothers who arrived in the US after a controversial executive order banned travel from seven Muslim-majority countries has become the first US case on CrowdJustice.

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Feargal Brennan, head of ByrneWallace's corporate team ByrneWallace has been ranked as one of Ireland's top merger and acquisitions (M&A) legal advisers in the Experian MarketIQ UK and Republic of Ireland M&A Review 2016.

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The sheriff's men raided a Kilkenny farm on Monday and rounded up a farmer's herd of cattle — rustling up a victory for the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB). The confiscation by CAB officials of the 125-strong herd was ordered by the sheriff after Thomas McDonnell of Pollough, Skeoughvosteen, County K

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Plans to open a DLA Piper office in Dublin are at a “fairly advanced” stage, according to one of the global firm's senior partners. Juan Picon, senior partner of DLA Piper's international limited liability partnership (LLP), which covers the firm's non-US business, told Legal Week that opening a

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Emily Logan, IHREC's chief commissioner Government restrictions on families of refugees in Ireland eligible for reunification with their loved ones, and the threats facing unaccompanied migrant children, will be discussed at a conference in Dublin tomorrow.

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Life sentence prisoners released in 2016 served an average of 22 years in custody, up from 17 and a half in 2015, The Irish Times reports. Figures released by the Irish Prison Service show seven life sentence prisoners were released last year. A total of 352 life prisoners were in custody at the end

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US Acting Attorney General Sally Yates US Acting Attorney General Sally Yates has been sacked by US President Donald Trump after refusing to defend a controversial executive order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries.

19036-19050 of 22072 Articles
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