Case Reports

1951-1965 of 2108 Articles
Clock icon 7 minutes

The High Court has dismissed Mr Charles Verschoyle-Greene’s appeal against a decision of the Financial Services Ombudsman, in which the FSO dismissed his complaint about the way the Bank of Ireland sold him a property investment. The appellant had been a client of the bank for a number of years, a

Clock icon 4 minutes

The Supreme Court has found that evidence obtained as a result of the interception of a postal package in Germany was admissible in a case against the eventual recipient of the package. The case concerned the lawfulness of the gardaí taking custody in Germany, and opening in Dublin, a parcel contai

Clock icon 6 minutes

The High Court has quashed a decision of the Commissioner of An Garda Síochána which upheld an original decision to transfer a woman to another Garda Station, on the grounds that the decision was contrary to fair procedures and in breach of natural and constitutional justice for failure to give re

Clock icon 6 minutes

The UK Supreme Court has dismissed a company’s appeal against HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) contention the company was not entitled to deduct VAT on accountant’s fees as input tax under the contract. The Supreme Court dismissed Airtours Holidays Transport Ltd’s appeal by a majority of 3 to

1951-1965 of 2108 Articles
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