Reddit challenges designation as video-sharing platform

Reddit has launched High Court proceedings challenging its designation by Coimisiún na Meán as a video-sharing platform.
The media regulator recently announced that Reddit and nine other services had been designated as video-sharing platforms which will be bound by the new online safety code from February 2024.
Designated companies which breach the code — which is currently out for consultation — can face fines of up to €20 million or 10 per cent of turnover, whichever is higher.
A&L Goodbody filed the judicial review on behalf of Reddit on Monday, according to reports.
A spokesperson for Reddit said: “While Reddit encourages thoughtful regulation, we respectfully disagree with the Commission’s designation of Reddit as a video sharing platform service.
“Reddit is a predominately text-based discussion platform, and we believe that links to videos uploaded to other platforms should not be within scope of the EU legislation at issue, which is targeted at video hosting platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
“We hope to get clarification from the court on questions of interpretation that we believe could have broadly sweeping implications for the internet.”
The other nine services designated by Coimisiún na Meán are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Udemy, TikTok, LinkedIn, X, Pinterest and Tumblr.