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Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has welcomed a "trend of substantial sentences being handed down for sexual crimes" following the sentencing of rapist Raymond Shorten. Shorten will serve 30 years behind bars following the imposition yesterday of a 17-year sentence for raping two young women on two dates i

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New sentencing guidelines for cases involving domestic violence and violence in the context of a relationship are expected to be presented to the Judicial Council for approval by the end of the year. The Labour Party yesterday led calls in the Dáil for "increased urgency" in the development o

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Northern Ireland’s Court of Appeal has determined that a minimum tariff of 20 years for the premeditated murder of the late Lu Na McKinney “signalled a permissible move towards higher tariffs to reflect the horrific elements of this crime”. Delivering judgment for the Court of Appe

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Domestic killers in England and Wales face tougher sentences one year on from the publication of Clare Wade KC’s review. Ms Wade’s review looked at domestic homicide sentencing, and provided key recommendations for the UK government to protect women. The review found that:

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A prison sentence has been imposed for unlawful interference with a gas meter for the first time in Ireland. Cornel and Lina Rostas, from Blackpool, Cork, pleaded guilty and were convicted at Cork District Court last month under section 15 of the Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995 on two cha

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Stalking and non-fatal strangulation have become standalone criminal offences following the commencement of a wide-ranging law which also increases the maximum sentence for various offences and introduces new protections for victims. Almost all of the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act

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Northern Ireland's leading animal welfare charity has called for tougher sentences for animal abusers after a man who kicked a cat to death received only three months' imprisonment. Mark Carson, 44, this week lost an appeal against his three-month sentence in Coleraine County Appeal Court. He previo

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Judges imposed sentences of less than three months' imprisonment in twice as many cases last year as five years earlier, according to new figures. A total of 994 sentences of three months or less were handed down in 2022, making up 20 per cent of all custodial sentences, The Irish Times reports. Thi

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