And Finally

2026-2040 of 2270 Articles
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A man dismissed for watching hardcore pornography at work has won compensation after arguing he had not breached company policy. The insurance manager in Sydney, Australia won $10,000 (around £7,800) after pointing out he only watched porn on his lunch break.

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Howard Kennedy has taken a novel approach to under-performance by blocking the computers of lawyers who fail to work seven hours a day. The London firm expects its lawyers to work at least 5.6 billable hours per day, The Lawyer reports, as well as carrying out non-billable work.

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An American lawyer has become a Facebook hit after sharing tongue-in-cheek legal tips on the social media platform. L. Scott Briscoe, a lawyer in West Virginia, has taken to sharing pointed pieces of advice based on "actual events that occurred over the nineteen years of my practice so far".

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A police officer who clumsily apologised to a woman with a frosted cake that read "Sorry I Tased You" has been put on probation. Stephanie Byron has opened a lawsuit against former sheriff's deputy Michael Wohlers, alleging the cop "used his apparent law enforcement authority to intimidate, harass,

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A burglar who was found to have amphetamines taped to his penis has told the court he was hiding them from his wife. Mark Wright, 43, appeared in Newcastle Crown Court after he was bungled breaking into a home in August.

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A man has admitted stealing apples from Tesco on almost a dozen occasions by scanning them through a self-service machine as carrots. Aidan Martin Devlin, 53, told Newtownards Magistrates Court that he scanned apples as carrots on 11 occasions, and did the same with another fruit on a twelfth occasi

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A Crime Stoppers president has been forced out of his post after police charged him in connection with cannabis plants worth $3 million. Windsor & Essex County Crime Stoppers in Ontario, Canada voted to remove Jon-Paul Fuller after provincial police raided what are alleged to be his greenhouses

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Iceland's foreign affairs ministry is considering legal action against frozen food retailer Iceland over its trademark on the country's name. The Icelandic government and other parties are looking to file a "cancellation action" against the Europe-wide trademark on "Iceland".

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A pagan from the Scottish Borders has crossed swords with planning officials who have refused him permission to build a sacred shrine in honour of Herne the Hunter. Andrew Cleghorn, 52, from Kirkburn, wants to build, on his smallholding, an altar, statue plinth and sacred well in tribute to the god,

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A madam who was jailed for five years for brothel keeping, living off the earnings of prostitution and money laundering faces a £1 million confiscation order as her affairs are wound up. At Stirling Sheriff Court, Margaret Paterson, 63, was ordered to pay back profits from her illicit business.

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A worker at the Royal Canadian Mint accused of smuggling $180,000 worth of gold in his rectum has appeared before a judge – named Justice Doody. Leston Lawrence, 35, was alleged to have taken nugget-sized pieces of gold, known as “pucks”, to a gold buyer in Ottawa on multiple occasions, the Ot

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A drug dealer sentenced to seven years in prison was caught after sharing brazen photos of his ill-gotten gains on Instagram. Levi Watson, 29, shared pictures of him posing with cash, jewellery and sports cars, despite telling police he had no regular income.

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A man has told a Saudi court he joined a training camp for the so-called Islamic State terror group because he mistook it for a weight-loss group. The man appeared in Riyadh Erie court in Saudi Arabia accused of joining Islamic State in Afghanistan, where it controls small amounts of territory in th

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A banned drink-driver in Northern Ireland is appealing his conviction claiming he is a puffer not a boozer and that he was over the limit as a consequence of vaping an e-cigarette. Thirty-five year old Aaron Galbraith was found to be twice over the limit when breathalysed but is now seeking to overt

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A fan of Back to the Future was caught speeding at 88mph – the speed at which Marty McFly breaks the spacetime continuum and travels back in time in the 1985 hit film. Essex-man Nigel Mills, 55, who bought his DeLorean for £22,000, denied he was attempting something similar when he hit 88mph on t

2026-2040 of 2270 Articles
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