Tax Appeals Commission resolved €1.4bn in appeals last year

Tax Appeals Commission resolved €1.4bn in appeals last year

The Tax Appeals Commission (TAC) resolved over 1,500 appeals worth around €1.4 billion last year, according to new figures.

A total of 1,521 appeals valued at €1.386 billion were closed — a 24 per cent decline in volume and a 60 per cent decline in value when compared with the previous year, according to the TAC’s annual report for 2023.

Just under a half (47 per cent) of the resolved appeals, together worth €668 million, ended in a settlement, while 14 per cent, worth €409 million, ended following a determination, with 175 determinations issued over the year in total.

Nearly a third (29 per cent), worth €305 million, were withdrawn by the appellant. The remaining 10 per cent were equally divided between those refused and those dismissed, both categories worth around €2 million each.

Welcoming the report, finance minister Michael McGrath said: “The Tax Appeals Commission continues to provide an efficient, fair and cost effective appeals process for the taxpayers of the country which provides citizens with an accessible alternative to the courts for tax appeals.”

In particular, he welcomed the introduction of a new case management system at the TAC.

“The Commission has developed a fully functional modern case management system which has automated a significant numbers of processes and further improved the efficiency of the appeals process for all parties,” Mr McGrath said.

Marie-Claire Maney, chairperson of the TAC, added: “The Tax Appeals Commission strives each year to modernise and improve efficiency. The new portal for filing taxpayers’ notices of appeal and the case management system demonstrates that commitment to modernity and efficiency.”

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