Review of child maintenance order enforcement nearly completed

Helen McEntee
A review of enforcement of child maintenance orders is “at an advanced stage and expected to be completed in the coming months”, the government has said.
Justice minister Helen McEntee today gave an update on the implementation of actions in the Family Justice Strategy 2022-2025 to the Family Justice Development Forum, which has met for the first time.
In addition to the child maintenance orders review, she said the Department of Justice will shortly began scoping work on research to examine the in-camera rule and to review its current operation, particularly around research and reporting of family law cases.
The implementation of the government’s three-year family justice strategy is being led by the Family Justice Implementation Group (FJIG).
At the Forum, representatives of NGOs, advocacy groups and other stakeholders had the opportunity to engage directly with Mrs McEntee and members of the FJIG to discuss key issues arising in the area of family justice.
Speaking afterwards, Mrs McEntee said: “Ensuring the courts are properly resourced is a priority for me and for government — earlier this year, we announced a historic increase in judicial resources, with 24 additional judges appointed this year and a further tranche of 20 to be appointed following the implementation of reforms and efficiencies in the courts.
“We are also investing in capital projects in the justice sector — this will include the construction of a purpose-built family law court complex at Hammond Lane.
“It will be built with the specific needs of family law users in mind. This is the principle at the centre of the Family Justice Strategy.
“This Forum I hosted in the Department of Justice today is not only an opportunity to update stakeholders, but to also to gather feedback and collaborate on particular pieces of work — the knowledge, experience, ideas and passion of those working at the frontline will be essential to ensuring the user is kept at the heart of our reforms.
“The Family Justice Implementation Group will give appropriate consideration to the issues we discuss at this and all of the Forum meetings.”
The next Family Justice Forum meeting is scheduled to take place in December 2023.