NI Law Society calls for ceasefire in Gaza

NI Law Society calls for ceasefire in Gaza

Brian Archer

The Law Society of Northern Ireland has backed international calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

In a statement yesterday, the Law Society said it fully supports the position of the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), which last week called for a ceasefire as well as the creation of humanitarian corridors and civilian safe havens backed by the UN and the international community.

Brian Archer, president of the Law Society, said: “Hamas’ actions on the 7th October were obscene violations of human rights and we continue to call for the release of all hostages still being held.

“Regardless though of any rationale for military action, Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment which has killed thousands of civilians — including many thousands of children — is a shameful and unjustifiable violation of international humanitarian law.

“Israel must adhere to its international obligations and cease these actions which amount to collective punishment.

“The Law Society adds its voice to the IBA and the others around the world who, looking on in horror at the events in Israel-Gaza, are calling for an immediate ceasefire, the protection of civilians and for humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza.”

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