NI: Law Society House hosts fifth Sports Law Conference

Belfast’s fifth annual Sports Law Conference, themed around Good Governance and Equality, has taken place in Law Society House.
The conference is organised by the Law Society of Northern Ireland in association with the Northern Ireland Sports Forum and has gone from strength to strength, with more members from the legal, medical, sporting and academic professions attending the conference.
This year’s attendees heard from speakers including:
Attendees also heard from prominent speakers in the sports law field, with contributions from academic and judiciary who took the opportunity to provide an overview of the challenges lawyers face in advising their clients - whether they be governing bodies, clubs, managers, coaches, players or officials.
Topics discussed at the conference included transparency, diversity, integrity, leadership and decision-making, financial probity and the future of the sports industry in a digital world.
The conference drew on the expertise of an experienced panel for questions and discussion.
This year’s conference was of particular interest to Governing Bodies, their members and advisors, as issues of good governance and equality in sport were discussed .
The Laws Society has thanked NI Sport Forum for their continuing support and partnership of the conference.