Francis Hanna & Co partner delivers domestic abuse training for new advocacy service

Claire Edgar
Belfast family lawyer Claire Edgar has provided training on domestic abuse to Northern Ireland’s new advocacy service for victims of domestic and sexual violence and abuse.
Ms Edgar, family law partner at Francis Hanna & Co Solicitors, presented at a training panel event to welcome newly-appointed advocates for ASSIST NI.
The new service, being delivered by Belfast and Lisburn Women’s Aid, Foyle Family Justice Centre and the Men’s Advisory Project, aims to provide coordinated and tailored support in partnership with well-established services.
Ms Edgar provided the advocates with an overview of the legal protections that are available to those who have been victims of domestic abuse.
Speaking afterwards, Ms Edgar said: “I was thrilled to be asked to provide training for the ASSIST NI Advocates on the legal remedies for domestic abuse.
“ASSIST NI is an exciting and innovative new service which will provide significant additional support to those suffering from domestic and sexual abuse in our communities.
“It is vitally important for victims of abuse to have a person to talk to who understands the impact of domestic abuse and who can help signpost them to other services that may help them. I wish all of the newly-appointed advocates the very best of luck with this new venture.”