Family lawyers to scrutinise court reform proposals

Dervla Browne SC
The Family Lawyers’ Association of Ireland (FLA) has established a committee of family law practitioners to scrutinise the government’s proposals for family court reform.
The sub-committee of four solicitors and four barristers, chaired by Dervla Browne SC, is now preparing a submission on the general scheme of the Family Court Bill, which was published late last month.
The solicitors on the new sub-committee are Niamh Kennedy of Denis McSweeney Solicitors, Marie McMahon of Donal T. Ryan Solicitors, Jennifer O’Brien of Irish Family Law Chambers and Grahame Toomey of Walls & Toomey Solicitors.
The barristers are Grainne Lee BL, Alexis Mina BL, Deirdre Browne BL and Catherine Forde BL.
Ms Browne told Irish Legal News: “We look forward to engaging in meaningful cooperation in the reform of the court structure dealing with family law. The sub-committee has held its first meeting and it is hoped that the FLA policy document will be available shortly.”