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A new report from Airwars raises the question of whether the Trump administration has been using the CIA for strikes in Yemen in order to shroud US operations there in greater secrecy. Airwars is a not-for-profit transparency organisation aimed at tracking, assessing and archiving military actions a

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The UK government has been urged to repatriate foreign fighters and their families detained in camps in north-east Syria following an intervention by UN human rights experts. In a court filing, the UN special rapporteur on human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism and the UN s

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David Davis MP is asking the High Court for access to secret court hearings into past UK involvement in torture. These secret hearings are taking place in the judicial review Mr Davis is bringing – along with Reprieve and Dan Jarvis MP – over the UK government's refusal to hold an indepe

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Some 200 American personnel benefited from a bulk diplomatic immunity deal as the UK base they were working on expanded its 'war on terror' operations, according to court documents from the case of Harry Dunn. Mr Dunn was killed in a hit-and-run in 2019 when his motorcycle was hit by a car near 

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US President Donald Trump has said the cost of running Guantanamo Bay is "crazy", following a New York Times report that estimated the bill for the prison camp at $13 million per detainee per year. Trump told reporters: "I think it's crazy. It costs a fortune to operate." He added that his administr

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The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has been maintaining a secret policy allowing ministers to approve actions which could lead to torture, The Times reports. This policy, which was revealed through freedom of information requests by The Rendition Project, suggests ministers can approve action c

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Lawyers for US citizen Bilal Abdul Kareem have filed their response to the government in a case that will establish whether the US can assassinate its own citizens, without telling them why or offering them their constitutional right to due process. Mr Kareem alleges that he was nearly killed by US

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