#InPictures: Carson McDowell lawyers take to the hills for tree-planting initiative

#InPictures: Carson McDowell lawyers take to the hills for tree-planting initiative

Lawyers at Belfast-based Carson McDowell swapped the office for the hills as they helped to plant 500 trees in conjunction with the Woodland Trust Northern Ireland.

The trees, all native species, were planted on Knockchree Hill, Mourne Park last week.

#InPictures: Carson McDowell lawyers take to the hills for tree-planting initiative

“This was the first initiative from our newly established Environmental and Sustainability committee, dedicated to keeping us accountable for our environmental impact and reducing our carbon footprint,” the firm said.

“We are committed to doing our part for the planet and will continue implementing green initiatives like this.

“The team had a terrific day out and got plenty of fresh air!”

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