#InPictures: Bronze bust of Nobel laureate unveiled at University of Galway

Pictured (left–right): Professor Peter McHugh, interim president of the University of Galway; Bill Shipsey, Art for Human Rights; Fengsuo Zhou, Human Rights in China; and Professor Siobhán Mullally, director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the University of Galway.
A bronze bust of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, commissioned by Art for Human Rights and Human Rights in China (HRIC), has been unveiled at the Irish Centre for Human Rights at University of Galway.
It was announced last week that the bust by Czech sculptor Marie Šeborová would be donated to the university.
The sculpture was unveiled yesterday in the presence of Professor Siobhán Mullally, director of the centre; Bill Shipsey, founder and director of Art for Human Rights; Fengsuo Zhou, director of HRIC — a friend of Liu Xiaobo and a fellow student leader during the Tiananmen Square Protests in 1989 — and several leaders of other international human rights organisations.
The special dedication event also included a presentation and discussion with Irish Centre for Human Rights students and staff.
It is the first bronze bust of the late Nobel Prize laureate, poet and human rights defender to be placed on a university campus anywhere in the world and will have a permanent home in the Irish Centre for Human Rights.
The project has been realised in partnership with ARTICLE 19, Index on Censorship, Front Line Defenders, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Humanitarian China.