EU publishes election guidance for big tech companies

The European Commission has published new guidelines aimed at tackling online risks to the integrity of elections.
The guidelines recommend mitigation measures and best practices to be undertaken by very large online platforms and search engines, which have specific legal obligations in this area under the new Digital Services Act (DSA).
Those who do not follow the guidelines will have to prove to the Commission that they are taking measures equally effective in mitigating risks.
The guidelines cover issues such as generative AI and include specific measures ahead of the upcoming European elections.
Margrethe Vestager, executive vice-president for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, said: “We adopted the Digital Services Act to make sure technologies serve people, and the societies that we live in.
“Ahead of crucial European elections, this includes obligations for platforms to protect users from risks related to electoral processes — like manipulation, or disinformation.
“Today’s guidelines provide concrete recommendations for platforms to put this obligation into practice.”
Thierry Breton, commissioner for the internal market, added: “With the Digital Services Act, Europe is the first continent with a law to address systemic risks on online platforms that can have real-world negative effects on our democratic societies.
“2024 is a significant year for elections. That is why with today’s guidelines we are making full use of all the tools offered by the DSA to ensure platforms comply with their obligations and are not misused to manipulate our elections, while safeguarding freedom of expression.”