Changes to European arrest warrant law approved

Technical changes to the legislation underpinning European arrest warrants in Ireland have been approved by the Oireachtas.
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) (Amendment) Bill makes a number of amendments to the existing European Arrest Warrant Act 2003 in order to ensure the continued efficient operation of the European arrest warrant system in the State.
The bill also addresses issues raised by the European Commission with regard to the State’s transposition of the European arrest warrant Framework Decision.
James Browne, minister of state with responsibility for law reform and youth justice, said: “The amendments to the bill ensure the continued efficient operation of the European arrest warrant system in the State.
“In preparing the bill, the Department undertook intensive consultation with relevant statutory offices and agencies including the Chief State Solicitor’s Office, the Director of Public Prosecutions and An Garda Síochána.
“The European Arrest Warrant systems is vital to ensure that open borders and free movement across the EU are not exploited by those seeking to evade justice, especially in cases of serious offences that can be subject to effective criminal law enforcement across the EU.”