And finally… using your nut

A dozen prisoners successfully tricked a security guard into letting them escape by smearing a food spread on doors in the prison.

All but one are now back behind bars after a cunning plot which saw them smear peanut butter from prison sandwiches over door numbers.

The escapees managed to persuade a rookie guard in the control room, communicating with them via CCTV, to open an external door.

Sheriff James Underwood of Walker County, Alabama, said: “Changing numbers on doors with peanut butter - it may sound crazy, but these kinds of people are crazy like a fox.

” thought he was opening the cell door for this man to go in his cell, but in fact he opened up the outside door.”

The prisoners walked out of the jail and scaled a 12-foot fence topped with razor wire to escape, but all but one have been recaptured.

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