And finally… Singh up

A shopkeeper threatened with legal action after he called his shop “Singhsbury’s” has changed it — to “Morrisinghs”.

Five years ago, Jel Singh Nagra, 42, was told he could be taken to court by Sainsbury’s, who said the name was too similar to theirs.

But Mr Nagra has now changed the name of his shop in North Tyneside to “Morrisinghs”, The Northern Echo reports.

He said: “When the first sign went down, the customers kept asking what happened.

“While I was away on my honeymoon in September 2012, I got a letter saying that Sainsbury’s was threatening to take me to court.

“In the letter they stated how much this would cost.

“My family saw the letter and took the sign down while I was away because they were so worried.”

But Mr Nagra has received support from his regular customers, who encouraged him to change it.

He said: “A lot of the customers come in here for the banter more than the actual service.”

“We used to have a post office, but when the postmaster retired we knew business would decline.

“There is also a dead end at the bottom of the street, so we don’t get a lot of passing trade.

“But I do feel that the sign is bringing more business in”.

“If I get asked to take this one down I will fight for it,” he added.

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