And finally… lawyer with a conscience

Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee in the US presidential election, was left embarrassed after it emerged his lawyer has donated thousands of dollars to opponent Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Trump is currently embroiled in legal action over the now-defunct Trump University, in which he’s represented by Daniel Petrocelli.

In an interview with Fox News, Trump said it was “disgusting” that the firm hired by the plaintiffs had given “hundreds of thousands — I think it was $900,000 or $700,000 — in speaking fees to the Clintons”.

But it’s since emerged that Mr Petrocelli himself gave $2,700 to Ms Clinton’s campaign in January 2016, a month after Trump hired him.

Mr Petrocelli’s firm, O’Melveny & Myers, has also given close to $20,000 to her campaign.

Shrugging off the conflict, he said in April: ” didn’t hire me for my political views. He hired me for my legal skills.”

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