And finally… coronary curse

Thieves have returned the stolen 800-year-old heart of St Laurence O’Toole out of fear that it carries a “deadly curse”.

The relic was taken from Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin in 2012 but returned last night after gardaí found it in a nearby park.

Garda sources believe that it was taken by a travelling crime gang who came to believe it was bringing bad luck after a number of deaths in the community, the Irish Independent reports.

A senior source said: “The reason why this relic is back where it belongs is that members of a certain community felt that it was cursed and was bringing nothing but bad luck on the people in that community.

“A number of people within that community apparently died of heart attacks since that relic was stolen and a decision seems to have been made that the relic should be returned to its rightful place.”

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