Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy found guilty of nine tax evasion charges

A prominent Irish republican has been found guilty of nine charges of tax evasion by the jury-less Special Criminal Court.
Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy was accused of failing to furnish tax returns between 1996-2004, while he was farming and dealing in lucrative cattle.
The court heard he traded over €370,000 worth of cattle in five years and was paid over €100,000 in farm grants over eight years.
Lawyers for Mr Murphy argued that the farming activity was controlled by his brother Patrick Murphy, who was therefore the chargeable person in respect of income tax.
Patrick Murphy and another brother had already made a settlement with the Revenue Commissioners.
However, the court ruled that Mr Murphy was a chargeable person and should have paid tax, and rejected arguments that Mr Murphy was unaware of this.
Mr Murphy has been remanded on bail for sentencing.