Recorded sexual offences up 12 per cent in year ending September 2018

The number of sexual offences recorded by gardaí in the year ending September 2018 was up by 12 per cent on the year before, according to new figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
The Recorded Crime Q3 2018 report shows increases in most crime groups, including a 23 per cent increase in robberies.
There was also a decrease in recorded instances of damages by property and the environment by seven per cent in the same period, and burglaries and thefts were down six and three per cent respectively.
Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan said the increase in recorded instances of sexual assault, and particularly rape, “continues to be an area of key focus for both the Government and An Garda Síochána”.
He added: “In terms of improving legislation in this area, the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) (Amendment) Bill 2018 is currently progressing through the Dáil. This Bill will provide for stricter sentencing for repeat sexual offenders.
“I am anxious to ensure that victims have appropriate protections during a court process and I have ordered a review of the investigation and prosecution of sexual offences with an emphasis on vulnerable witnesses. A review group, chaired by Tom O’Malley, an expert in this field, will report to me in the new year.”