Mayo solicitors back planned barristers’ strike

The Mayo Solicitors’ Bar Association (MSBA) has issued a statement in support of the Bar Council’s withdrawal of criminal legal aid services next week.
The Bar Council has called on criminal barristers to withdraw services for one day on 3 October 2023 in a major escalation of its campaign for fee restoration.
The MSBA said it “strongly supports this proposed action by our colleagues at the Bar”, The Connaught Telegraph reports. “The MSBA believes in the rule of law and the effective and fair administration of justice.”
The association added: “Solicitors who undertake work on behalf of the State in the defence of their clients have a critical role to play in the administration of justice and must be paid a fair rate for the work that they do.
“We call on the government to invest appropriately in the criminal legal aid system and to act urgently to prevent the withdrawal of legal services on October 3 next.”
Earlier this week, the Council of the Law Society of Ireland called on government ministers to accept the “irrefutable” case for restoration of criminal legal aid fees in the 2024 budget.