Man forced to retire at 66 receives compensation payment

A man who was forced to retire at the age of 66 has settled a discrimination claim with assistance from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.
The man brought a claim under the Employment Equality Acts after his employer of more than a decade made him retire on reaching the age of 66. He had alleged that his contract of employment and the terms and conditions of employment failed to set out an express retirement age.
The man subsequently referred a complaint of discrimination on the ground of age to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). With legal assistance from the Commission, that complaint has now been successfully settled and the man received a compensatory payment.
The Commission has published guidance for employers and employees to seek to ensure that older workers, who wish to continue in employment, are not discriminated against in Irish workplaces.
Deirdre Malone, director, said: “The Commission is delighted to have provided legal assistance in this case on age discrimination. It is imperative, in a fair and just society, that a person’s retirement is managed in accordance with the law.”