Inaugural sports law conference a ‘fantastic’ success

The inaugural Sports Law Bar Association (SLBA) conference in Dublin was a sell-out success, attracting barristers, solicitors, in-house counsel and academics from all over the island.
SLBA secretary Robert McTernaghan BL told Irish Legal News that the event was “a complete sell-out, it was fantastic”.
Mr McTernaghan gave his thanks to the speakers at the event, including keynote speaker Dr Ross Tucker and conference chair, Mr Justice David Barniville. He said the growth of the Association, founded under a year ago, was “phenomenal”.

The SLBA will soon be meeting Senators and TDs on Oireachtas Day to offer expertise to legislators working on bills concerning sports policy.
Some of the SLBA’s office-bearers are currently offering advice on the Gambling Control Bill 2018 going through the Oireachtas.
The SLBA also intends to hold another CPD event before the end of the legal year, Mr McTernaghan said.

Conference delegates afterwards attended a social event, and a handful of members of The Bar of Ireland and The Bar of Northern Ireland attended the Ireland v Wales rugby game the next day.