FLAC launches pilot legal clinic for LGBTQI+ community

FLAC launches pilot legal clinic for LGBTQI+ community

Legal rights group FLAC has launched a free legal advice and advocacy service for LGBTQI+ people on a pilot basis.

The clinic will provide tailored legal advice and information to LGBTQI+ individuals in areas such as family law, gender recognition and access to healthcare.

It will also inform FLAC’s research project into unmet legal need in the LGBTQI+ community in Ireland.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth made a one-off funding award to FLAC through the LGBTQI+ funding scheme to identify the extent of unmet legal need and to prepare a report into how this could be addressed through the provision of dedicated legal services, information and training.

Any group which wants to be able to refer service users or members to the LGBTQI+ clinic can contact FLAC for a referral form.

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