And finally… ballsy

A burglar has launched a claim for damages over injuries sustained to his scrotum during a botched robbery.

Shop owner Kevin Victory received a letter from the man’s solicitor claiming damages for injuries sustained during the raid in late 2015.

The robbery in Co Cavan was interrupted by armed gardaí and, while trying to escape, one of the three burglars injured his scrotum — though details of exactly how have not been published.

Mr Victory ignored the original letter, but has subsequently received a letter from the Personal Injuries Assessment Board, setting out a 90-day deadline to decide if he wants the board to assess the injury.

Speaking to RTÉ Radio One, he said: “I was just stunned, absolutely stunned when I got the letter.

“The insurance company has refused to engage with the PIAB or accept any responsibility. I’m just trying to highlight that this is happening and maybe we might need to change the law.”

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